
Cannabis Results

Several growers have kindly assisted us in testing the efficacy of our fertilizers, in both indoor and outdoor grow configurations, and with several strains grown from seed. In every case, the growers reported a burst of robust growth happening after 2-3 weeks of treatment. We believe this is due to the formation of beneficial microbial environments and the known accelerated root growth seen in all crops in all configurations. Importantly, many appreciated the fact that our fertilizer is 100% Vegan.

Robust bud formation

Robust bud formation

robust budding

The treated plants (2 to 3x week, with a 1:16 dilution regimen) have all exhibited a robust bud growth, with the presence of crystallized THC showing on many of the leaves surrounding the buds. For those plants treated with one of our flavored products, noticeable amounts of relevant aromas are present (peppermint, cherry, chocolate). In particular, the peppermint treated plants exhibited an interesting reduction in pest and fungal activity.

Asynchronous growth characteristics

The treated plants have shown an asynchronous growth pattern, which we suspect is the combination of proven root growth acceleration coupled with a beneficial microbial growth environment surrounding the root systems. All plants are now exceeding the normal growth containment cages, thus in the next grow it is suggested to expand the enclosed area by at least 25%.

Growth exceeding cage limits

Growth exceeding cage limits

Enhanced Leaf Growth

Enhanced Leaf Growth

enhanced leaf formation

The treated plants show an enhanced growth of leaves, a robust blue-green coloration, and significant rigidity of stalk and stems. This is visually apparent at even the most cursory of glances at the crop.